Hunting Programs & Price ist
TERRAHUNT offers programs covering every hunter’s needs ranging from feathered to all types of hairy prey according to their size and weight. Herebelow you may find a full and detailed description of the activities and their respective prices:
1Feathered Prey
Quail, Turtledove, Woodpigeon
Hunting period : August – September
- 3 day hunting, accommodation 4 nights 600€
- 4 day hunting, accommodation 5 nights 720€
Extra charge for the prey:
Quail, Turtledove, Woodpigeon 5€
2Feathered Prey
Valley or Mountain partridge, Pheasant, Woodpigeon, Woodcock, Hare
Hunting period: 01.10 έως 28.02
- 2 day hunting, accommodation 3 nights 500€
- 3 day hunting, accommodation 4 nights 600€
- 4 day hunting, accommodation 5 nights 720€
Extra charge for the prey: Valley partridge 21€, Mountain partridge 20€, Woodpigeon 5€,
Pheasant 13€, Woodcock 23€, Hare 50€
3Feathered Prey
Duck, Goose
Hunting period: 01.10 έως 31.01
- 3 day hunting, accommodation 4 nights 700€
- 4 day hunting, accommodation 5 nights 800€
Extra charge for the prey:
Duck 10€, Goose 23€
4Feathered Prey
Wild Turkey, Meledgris Gallopavo
Hunting period: 01.10 έως 28.02
- 2 day hunting, accommodation 3 nights 700€
- Arrows are used for hunting, which makes
the whole experience exciting and adventurous
Extra charge for the prey: 40€
5Predatory Animals
Wolf, Jackal
Hunting period, all year around
- 3 day hunting, accommodation 3 nights 900€
Extra charge for the prey:
Wolf 300€, Jackal 50€
6Big Hairy prey
Wild boar – Group hunting
Hunting period: 01.10 έως 09.01
- 3 day group hunting, accommodation 3 nights
780€/each hunter (groups consist of 6 persons and onwards)
The above price also includes a young animal for each hunter
7Big Prey
Wild Turkey, Τetrao Urogallus l.
Hunting period: 15.04 έως 15.05
- Hunting of male birds only
3 day group hunting, accommodation 3 nights 900€
Extra charge for the prey: 1100 €
81. Big Hairy Prey Hunting of Trophied Animals
- Roe deer (Capreolus Capreolus) - Male animals 01.05-30.10 - Female and young animals 01.09-30.10
- Noble Deer (Cervus Elaphus L) - Male animals 01.09-31.01 - Female animals 01.10-31.12 -
Young animals 01.09-31.01
- Platoni Deer (Cervus Dama L) - Male animals 01.09-31.01 - Female animals 01.10-31.12 -
Young animals 01.09-30.01
- Mouflon (Ovis Musimon PALL) - Male and young animals all year around - Female animals 01.09-31.01
- Wild Goat (Rupicapra Rupicapra L) - Male 01.12-15.01 - Female animals 15.09-31.10
- Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa L) - All animals (hunting from observatory all year long)
- Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa L) - All animals (group hunting 01.10 – 09.01)
- Excursion Package with prey: 2 day individual hunting including accommodation for 3 nights (plus 2 young animals) 1150 €
*The above price-list concerns only rooms with 2 beds and groups consisting of four or more persons.
Detailed price-list for big hairy prey
Herebelow you may find a detailed table of the trophies as well as of the hunted animal’s meat charges. Each dead animal has got its own price.
- The trophy is paid for according to its weight in gr (including the upper jaw and
subtracting 90 gr)
- Its meat is charged 3 €/kg
- Female animals are charged 90 € each
- Young animals are charged 90 € each
- The trophy is paid for according to its weight in kg (including the upper jaw
- Ιts meat is charged 3 €/kg
- Female animals are charged 150 € each
- Young animals are charged 100 € each
Platoni Deer_CERVUS DAMA L.
- The trophy is paid for according to its weight in gr (including the upper jaw)
- Its meat is charged 3 €/kg
- Female animals are charged 90 € each
- Young animals are charged 90 € each
Mouflon (Wild sheep)_
- The trophy is paid for based on the average
length of its horns in cm
- Its meat is charged 2 €/kg
- Female animals are charged 90 € each
- Young animals are charged 90 € each
Wild Goat _
- The trophy is paid for based on the international grading system CIC
- Its meat is charged 2 €/kg
Wild Boar_SUS SCROFA L - Watch towers are used to facilitate the hunting
- The trophy is paid for based on the average l
ength of the lower teeth of the animal
- Its meat is charged 2 €/kg
- Wild boar one year old:70 € per animal
- Wild boar up to two years of age:120 € per animal
- Wild boar over two years of age:550 € per animal
- Wild boar injured or missing:500 € per animal
several locals leave prior to the group to attract the prey and thus facilitate the hunt
- The trophy is paid for based on the average
length of the lower teeth of the animal
- Its meat is charged 2 € per kg
- Wild boar one year old: 70 € each
- Wild boar up to two years of age:120 € each
- Wild boar over two years of age:550 € each
- Wild boar injured or missing is not charged
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