progress:indexx | terrahunt v .04 | 2016-2017

Bulgaria, general information

Required documents


Bulgaria covers 111,000 square meters of land. the country is accessible from the north entrance of the greek border passing through promachonas, eksohi,thermes, kyprino, ormenio and triethnes. its climate is humid all year long with mild winters.
The average temperature is around 11 deg.c.whereas along the black sea coast the temperature reaches 28 – 35 deg c in summertime. in wintertime the snows on the mountains last for about four months. the landscape includes high mountains, valleys, hills, many rivers lakes and many reserves where the wildlife is preserved.
All of the above form a wildlife with an abundance of prey and a variety of total the country disposes 16000 red deer, 4500 platoni deer, 75000 roe deer, 50000 wild boars, 2300 mouflons, 1800 wild goats , 2700 wild turkeys, 900 bears as well as hundreds of thousands of pheasants, mountain and valley partridges, turtle- doves, quail , woodcock, woodpigeons, ducks and geese.

Transfer can be made either by car or plane to the capital city of Sofia.
Bulgaria is a member of the european union and its currency is the leva(1 euro = 195 levas)
The majority of the population are christian Orthodoxs.

1. I.D in latin characters.
2. European licence for gun possession.
3. Pet passport (recently updated for vaccines and microchips by a veterinarian.
4. Green insurance card for the car, obtained by your insurance company.
5. In case of transfer by your own vehicle, you will need to obtain a road tax certificate at the border entrance station, by paying the required amount according to your staying.