Escape from your routine by trying new hunting experiences, towards new destinations with beautiful mountains,
green forests and abundant prey.
Η TERRAHUNT will organize expeditions in bulgaria for you the best way possible.
Being aware of the particularity of the area as well as the best hunting regions, in cooperation with local authorities
and accommodiation, we offer services of high quality and new competitive packages.
Travel, discover new places, combine hunting adventure and fun. TERRAHUNT provides you with a complete destination program including a pleasant and comfortable stay for you and your family. We make sure your are accurately informed about all the necessary documentation required for your trip and, if requested that you have the necessary guide who will inform and orient you throughout the whole duration of the hunt.
Each year more and more foreign hunters are visiting bulgaria, where they can practise their hunting skills in special reserves all over the country.
wide variety of prey,the easily accessible special retreats, and the specially established rules for the smooth operation of the